Hot stage microscopy (Linkam)
Hot Stage Linkam LTS420
- Temperature range < -195°C to 420°C
- Minimum heating rate 0.01°C/min
- Maximum heating rate of 50°C/min
- Temperature stability <0.1°C
- Can be used with transmitted or reflected light
- Sample area of 53.5mm x 43mm
- Stage body size 166mm x 90mm x 24mm
- 15mm XY manipulation as standard
- Sample holder for standard 76mm x 26mm microscope slides
- Quick-release gas valves for atmospheric control
- Swing out lid for easy sample loading
- Objective lens minimum working distance 6.5mm
- Condenser lens minimum working distance 12.5mm
- 100 Ohm platinum sensor
last update: 17-Dec-2021